Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dead of Winter / Happy Australia Day / Global Warming?

So here it is, late January and we've had way more than the average amount of snow and the temperature is well below normal. The Toronto area gets about 1.5 metres of snow in the winter season (Dec-March) and we've already passed the 2 metre mark in snowfall. We normally get a January thaw (OK- we had one in December when the first metre of snow melted). Daytime highs are usually around -1℃ but we've not gone much above -10℃ in the last 4 weeks, with Friday's +4℃ the exception.
Global Warming? I think not. But I need not complain. Our Western Canadian counterparts are in bone chilling -30℃ temperatures and even below that. Can you say, "Ice fog?"

I shall wish my Australia friends a Happy Australia Day, wherever you are- on the beach, at a BBQ, surfing, bushwalking, praying for rain.

Meanwhile, I shall test my new 30" snowshoes in the -20℃ windchills this afternoon.

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